
Video about Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman – Yeast Video


I assume you have a large following, I appreciate the fact that you are able to once in a while mix in a political message. I totally disagree with you on some issues like healthcare, but when that issue is in the forefront then were doing pretty ok. The fact that you bring up political messages would indicate that you haven’t given up. You have a voice Madge, and as a person that understands what is going on you have a responsibility to use it. I have probably 5 people that read my blog, I don’t have a voice that is heard. All of our news is main stream government sponsored propeganda. Can you find out if you can post this film on your site, or on insane films or something?


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

12 replies on “Video about Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman – Yeast Video”

Thanks to Eric for sending that email and thanks madge for posting it. I’ve grown up listening to DN every day, regardless of what country I was living in at the time. Ill never forget the time they got BIll Cinton on the phone and confronted him about the test bombing in Puerto Rico. The program was and still is an inspiration to how I live my life as a critical thinker and independent journalist. Needless to say, this is an extremely important video.

Thank you very much, Madge, for posting this video. This is a very important piece of information and something that I, from an outside view from Europe, have always found very disturbing about U.S. Media. This was supposed to be the country of “Freedom of Speech”, wasn’t it? I guess, the Founding Fathers of the United States of America would have been absolutely disgusted by today’s kind of mainstreem media “educating” U.S. citizens.

Thank you for posting this (there are weird sound bites unfortunately)… but an important piece nonetheless.

I tried watching this, but about 4 minutes in, when she was asking “where are the pictures of the casualties?”….my head was about to explode….I’ve been asking the same question….where are the pictures of the casualties of 9/11, pictures of ppl jumping to their deaths out of the towers, pictures of the casualties of the London bombings….guess she’s only asking for pics of “other” casualties…I had to turn it off.

Thank you Madge, I am really trying. To Be “open” minded, listen to the talk-radio pablum.

They were killed by Saudi terrorists, not Iraqi civilians (or insurgents for that matter). While I agree that victims of both sides should be shown, I disagree with the us vs. them paradigm. Civilians are killed by the fanatical and the power hungry. THAT is the nature of war. We can’t get our retribution by killing those under the rule and propaganda of our enemies. Violent retribution promotes an endless cycle of war and fuels the zero-sum canibalism of the military industrial complex. We will have our revenge by removing the enemies of humanity (domestic and foreign) from power by civilised means.

Furthermore, the image of the towers and the victims of that attack are burnt permanently into the American psyche, while the images of our war (of OUR victims as well as Iraqi) are rarely seen.

“Civilians are killed by the fanatical and the power hungry”

I agree. What can we do to fight this??

“We will have our revenge by removing the enemies of humanity (domestic and foreign) from power by civilised means.”

I disagree with this. Enemies of Humanity should be removed from the gene-pool. Enemies of Humanity worship death, do not respect life, and should not be allowed to continue living.

I know I need to watch the rest of the video with an “open” mind. I prefer to watch with a “critical” mind…open to new ideas, but filtering and judging the input.

“Enemies of Humanity worship death, do not respect life, and should not be allowed to continue living.”

Isn’t that statement a bit self defeating? As long as there are people willing to kill for a cause there will be war.

It’s a zero-sum game. Don’t buy in.

Nothing “self-defeating” in that statement.

They want/worship death…then give them what they want, kill them, and let them fight in another world for 72 virgins.. However, if they doubt…give them a chance to affirm life, a chance to share this wonderful journey with the rest of “humanity”.

Would love to chat with you, learn from you about the Zero-Sum.

I feel sick and dirty. I’m sitting in my leatherette chair, watching this video on my second of two monitors and later will drive my SUV to get a cheeseburger.
If the next President doesn’t give me some hope regarding the future of the USA I will have to leave the country.

I’m going to go throw up.

I’d gained the impression from Yeast Radio that US coverage of the war was “lax”… but nothing could have prepared me for this.

There seems to be some other factors at play here, quite apart from media outlet ownership monopolies that culture journalists more interested in licking the arses of employees in the tier above them than in seeking the truth.

Is there no broadcasting authority that revokes memberships from journalists for unprofessional conduct? Does even the ABC not have a weekly show during which it reviews itself and other outlets for misdemeanours/sly behaviour? Is media analysis not a part of every teenager’s high school education?

Just because someone’s a journalist doesn’t mean they’re a professional.

Its as if in the US a gung-ho “style” wins out over rational “thought” and the living in reality that entails. Its only natural then that the majority’s best interests don’t have a chance.

Who the hell did George Bush and Tony Blair think they were anyway.

Things were extremely bad in Iraq, nevertheless it wasn’t theirs to charge into as self-proclaimed leaders of the world. There are many other places around the globe where atrocities were/are taking place, but they’ve never been remotely interested in them.

What would the war mean to the Bush-voting American if there was no footage of the attack on the Twin Towers?

This media coverage is blatantly non genuine. Its slaps you in the face and then tells you to bend over and enjoy Star Jones’ strap on.

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