
Yeast Radio-Train Wreck-04.21.05

Madge takes the gentle audience with her to a train wreck of a performance of the JackHammer fisting bar in Chicago.

Included are backstage, the show itself, some of Fausto’s show, cuntversations with Mark, Taylor, a ride in the cab and Chauncey..

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

16 replies on “Yeast Radio-Train Wreck-04.21.05”

Did my last comment make it? I can’t see it…….anyway, nice listening to you…..

Madge…you reading that email from Sarah is why I listen to you.

Sarah…if you are reading this. Please know that you are not alone. We all can sympathize to some degree the pain and frustration of your situation. Please keep reaching out to others for guidance, support and love, and one day (hopefully) you will find the peace you so deserve. And Sarah…your poetry is beautiful.

Woah. That’s a really… as corny as it sounds… heart-breaking and sad story. Jesus christ. I expected this hilariously vulgar monologue but that was fucking beautiful, Madge.

I really hope everything works out for Sarah. What a horrible situation to be in. I’m sorry, I don’t really know what else to say or what kind of advice to give, other than wishing for the best.

When Madge read Sarah’s letter I almost dropped my teeth. Which would have been a feat, because they’re not dentures.

I live in Elkhart too (We call it Hellkhart). Sarah, if you’re reading this and you want to correspond, e-mail me at wmblowers(at)hotmail(dot)com. Substitute the @ sign for (at) and a period for (dot) and I’ll get your email.

Death is final. You’re 24; although it may not seem so now, things can change for you in an instant. You never know, so don’t give up. There are still caring people left in this world, so keep reaching out to get the help and caring you need.

WLB :>)

thank you SARAH.

don’t make your parents cry. they want you to live. despite their stupidity/ignorance they love you… they just have their heads screwed on wrong for the time being.

tell them that this is the way it is… and tell them to email me… have them explain why they think you should be imprisoned with their idiocy.

i will tell them to fuck themselves. and i tell you, sarah, to keep strong.

thank you madge… especially for the quiet taxi ride home. i fell asleep in helsinki riding home quietly in your taxicab last night… then for the walk up to say hi to chauncey.

it was wonderful, dear.

hi chauncey!

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