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I’ll have to post the music/show notes laturd, because I had to rush off to work since they’re hot on my tail, or whatever the cliche is.
Day: April 6, 2005
I’m very excited to present this interview with the late Major Richard J. Dailey’s right hand man, John Philips.
This is part 1 of 2. John has lived a life like Woody Allen’s Zelig. In this exclusive interview, he talks about catching Harry Truman from a dangerous fall, Meeting Queen Elizabeth II, Meeting Elenor Roosevelt and her Lesbian Lover, meeting both John F. and Bobby Kennedy, and many more people. I’m not making this up. It’s for real and not a bit. John is a friend of mine and his story was recently featured in Chicago Magazine. What John Philips really gives us is his unique view on how to live a meaningful life. This is a long two part interview and I’m presenting it unedited. You would never hear an interview like this unedited anywhere else but a podcast. You can fast forward if you want, but I suggest you take a walk and listen to every word. This man is a real treasure! Trust me, I’m a lesbian!