bicyclemark bloat blood fart Britney Spears CANNED HAM Chris Crocker clean blood climate change election 2008 gay horror Human Dog iran live show Live Stream lyps lyps flying me and them girls Podcasts Rants Robert Scoble shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch yeast nation

YR779 Support Our Victims!

Today’s pogrom cuntains Human Dog, Bicylemark, and a new person, Brian. It’s a good grum. We discuss important things for real this time.

Support Our Victims

Amy Winehouse andy melton apple blood fart Britney Spears CANNED HAM cheryl Chris Crocker clean blood Depression election 2008 fat people gay Human Dog journalism live show Live Stream Morbid Obesity Podcasts Prolapse Recesssion Robert Scoble schlyyyps sit and bitch yeast nation zeeche

YR776 Thumbelina

I have no idea why I called this that.
With Andy and Chrys, and a special message from the banned and tanned one.

Why Apple’s Compressor sucks so much and why Apple hasn’t fixed it in all these years.
Someone please hack my Samsung Katalyst.

State of journalism Wired “Article.”

New Zeeche Song too.

andy  melton

Show notes:

all girls have periods Amy Winehouse blood fart boycott Britney Spears cheryl Chris Crocker clean blood Depression election 2008 Goatsee Human Dog lesbian live show Live Stream Max Keiser me and them girls Morbid Obesity Podcasts Politics Rants Recesssion Robert Scoble schlyyyps sex education sit and bitch Stink and Bea yeast nation

YR771 Madge is Insane. Guests Chris Weagel and Max Keiser

Where fart art thou bloated lesbian?
vagina power yeast infection

Guests include
Chris Weagel
Max Keiser
Show Notes: