
YR1621 Fat Having and Turd Zeldas

Grizelda joins Madge for some having of obesity. Also side two of “Trust Me” starring Hans Petersen as Pres. Carter.

album art by Taylor H.
Amy Winehouse andy melton Auntie Vera bloat blood fart cheryl clean blood Dull Bread fat fat people get fucked Goatsee grizelda Interviews lesbian live show lyps me and them girls Morbid Obesity Perfectly Normal Podcasts Prolapse Recesssion Robert Scoble sarah palin schlyyyps shitting Stink and Bea technology toilet Travel Weight Guessing yeast nation

YR891 Welcome to the Septic Dollhouse

fat men shitting

Advice Amy Winehouse andy melton apple ate up with dumb Auntie Vera bloat Britney Spears Depression Dull Bread fat fat people gay insane Interviews me and them girls Morbid Obesity mostly Perfectly Normal Pig Guts with Yeast Podcasts Prostitution Rachel Kann Recesssion sit and bitch soundscapes Stink and Bea yeast nation

YR888 Trailer Trash Train Wreck

Two hours and twenty minutes of pure shit. Eight Eight Eight.
Carlos from Mexico blows snot. AndAIDS wants a trailer like Vera.
Rachel is cruising Homo Depot glory holes.