Britney Spears lyps me and them girls Perfectly Normal Podcasts Rachel Kann Taterbugs yeast nation

YR1019 Is it Any Wonder Why Lyps Fail Me?

guests include Rachel Kann, Jason Flaturdwitz, and Stripclub DJ


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

24 replies on “YR1019 Is it Any Wonder Why Lyps Fail Me?”

I don’t think you could adopt a kid from china if you wanted to. remember how the chinese won’t let people who take psych meds or people with facial deformities adopt anymore? I think a skin condition would count, probably

also that herr schnitt thing is hot as hell

next time rachel’s on someone needs to comment with the time she leaves so everyone can just skip to that

So much hate naids!

You would benefit from a Tibetan singing bowl.

I recommend shoving it up your rectum. This should divert your attention away from your bleeding ears and replace that discomfort with the more pleasurable sensation of a hemorrhaging anus. Enjoy!

You might tell me that I should go fuck myself, however you and Cheryl should think of taking the free hour of Pride48 for some shameless promotion.

madge, i love you forever. your mashups and experimental sampling are revolutionary.

haters…eat a dick.

I always enjoy your appearance on the show Rachel, you is a funny gal, quirky and REAL. As for the haters, they are clearly displaying some kind of Narcissistic Personality Disorder as defined under the Browne Browne scale.

Unlike some others, I was also more than satisfied with the cycling. Sylvia makes a great accompaniment to any show and every guest needs to accept that every religion BAR NONE believes that being interrupted by a Wings interjection is a great honor, and of course a more prolonged cycle results in a more profound blessing.

Madge – AMAZING !!! Rilch being absent got u back in the drivers seat active active grumming grumming! No – “wha’da got for me now” – or- “next!” You made me a fan again !!! Will this absence of rilch make the heart grow fonder upon her return – doubtful. Go Yeast!

So true.


Best of this show, except when Rachel came on, was the:
*S.B.B.-malfunction cough* + Magde’s “-‘scuse me” loop @ 31:19. Mind clearing bliss!

Prayer for peace & FEESH.
Madge just grooving on her own FEESH=always excellent.
Never listened to Howard Stern, no desire to either.
Much rather listen to the Yeast every time. Madge, Cheroil, Rachel the shoe maker’s daughter. But first…FEESH. Feesh breathing.

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