all girls have periods andy melton ate up with dumb bloat Britney Spears CANNED HAM Cher clean blood election 2008 get fucked God don't like dumb Human Dog lesbian live show Live Stream Morbid Obesity mostly pnsexplosion Prolapse schlyyyps shwhimp 2.99 sit and bitch Stink and Bea Weight Guessing

YR747 Jumbo Jet/Big Pants/Dark Lady/Coca Cola and a VERY SPECIAL SURPRISE!

a very special surprise guest at the end of this pogrum… but dont’ skip ahead to find him/her/it!

guests include:
Andy Melton
Chris Weagel
John Edwards
Nancy Pelosi


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “YR747 Jumbo Jet/Big Pants/Dark Lady/Coca Cola and a VERY SPECIAL SURPRISE!”

Great show today!
Cher on SNES… Amazing!

Madge Weinstein, you need some alter egos?

Imagined Newest
Gnawed Enmities
Damning Sweetie
Meanies Twinged
A Mindset Weeing
Teenaged Mi Wins
Imaged Teen Wins
Dementia We Sing
Gated Mine Swine
Media Teen Swing
Maiden Get Swine
Detain Semen Wig
Dame Intense Wig

And as a comment to your beloved audience:
Maned Genii Stew

Yay Berbacia! Great show, you were very ON turday. Loved the mixture of socio-political discussion and batshit insane gross out humour.

Please don’t tell me your Republican friend is Grizelda, I’d be so disappointed if she’s actually a McCain-loving douchebag.

Really religious people are like that too. I can’t stand them, they don’t think for themselves just like Andy said. I have a friend who recently went to a “Pro-Life” March and all over every thing she owns she’s written, “Pro-Life,” “100% Pro-Life,” “Choose Life,” GET FUCKED! She is a good Christian though because when I tried to tell her my opinion on the subject I wasn’t able to get a word in edgewise. I think a lot of these people are brainwashed dummies with the Pope’s/Hitler’s fist up their ass. Maybe that’s why they’re so bitchy?

Facebook groups: karmabanque

Madge has made assumptions about me on this show, which conclude that I do more harm than good for the global Boycott of Coca-Cola.

An open invitation by Madge Weinstein of Yeastradio podshow for Max or Stacy, to appear on the show, has been offered via Skype or any other method.

Bicylemark is also keen to a programme with Max and Stacy, why not kill to birds with one stone and have a three-way!

For those who don’t know who these people are, they are linked on Karmabanqueradio blog under “friends”.

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