
YR354 Part 2 of Cheryl the Whore Starring The Tranny Wreck!

Lots of chatting as this long conversation cuntinues.

Visit Tranny Wreck. Help her buy a cunt.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

27 replies on “YR354 Part 2 of Cheryl the Whore Starring The Tranny Wreck!”

I like when TrannyWreck comes on the show.

I like that the show is NOT consistant. Some days it is a rant, some days, it is quiet a bit boring. Like life. I love you, Madge!

I’m so glad you hung up on that cunt in the beginning. She was getting on my last nerve.

I know it doesn’t matter that I’ve listened since last summer, but, I have to say I still enjoy your show and listen everyday. As far as the videos go, I like the ones that are longer because I can sit and eat while I watch them, thats not to say that I don’t eat while I watch the others anyway, I just put them on repeat.

AND LASTLY, I’m sick of those cunts that say you are fat. I watched the simulcast and honey, you are NOT fat, if you want fat, look at my pictures!

Hey Madge, just wanted to comment on the whole “changing for sirus” bs. I’ve been listening to Yeast Radio since about episode 4. I’ve listened to almost every episode. I listen to the show for you, not any sort of production style. I enjoy the wireless “old school” style and getting the occational one like that is a treat. But I like your more studio-like current style just as much. You’re still you. And thats what matters, thats why I listen.

Your welcome, don’t let those Marys get you down.

I do have one problem with the show though… where’s the big black bloated bisexual bipolar overweight blesbian blactress? Has Star Jones finally gotten her kicked out of Hollywood?

Well, she mentioned at the end of the show that’s she’s about to talk to her. I can’t fucking wait. Of all the freaks and characters that have appeared on the show, Berbacia (along with Cheryl) is my favourite.

Me turd, i miss that cow.
BUT she can be a bitch to work with, trust me. About a week ago I tried to set a time to come over to her house to burn her clit with my cigs, and she was impossible. Always wanting more than I can offer. For example. I told her that my stoma was off limits to her strap-on, and she insited on putting at least the fake-peehole up to my stoma. I said fine… then she shoved the whole thiung in! I was pissed. NOT SMOKEY. And then there was the time she fisted me when she insisted she would just be fingering… although I was not really “shocked” (I hardly felt a thing, so no “oh” face), it was a little turd-prising…so much so that a turd slipped out from between my lyps when she withdrew.

What I love most about your shows and videos is the hysterical, unpredictable nature – you could be having a serious, political discussion with an abortion expert and you’d suddenly shout out “oh gross! my dog’s got a hard on!” It’s this bizarre audio blog stye which is simultaneously hyperrealistic and surrealistic that’s so engrossing. Although there’s an fictional packaging, the core of the Madge character is much more honest, raw and true to life than anything I’ve ever heard in the radio/audio/podcasting medium. Even when the show is boring and pointless, it’s still enjoyable to hear the updates in your life, your opinions on current events and watching it evolve (I haven’t noticed a change for Sirius at ALL, maybe the Godaddy thing but it’s not distracting or anything). Plus, all the catch phrases are seriously fucking catchy. I can imagine a crazy, Rocky Horror-esque cult following of fans chanting them in ten years time (I pretty much do that already).

I think I have an idea of what all this video shit is leading up to and I’m really excited (if it’s what I think it is). The more people who are exposed to your vagina the better.

Now, go fuck yourself.

Happy “Bidet”, Madge. Many returns of the day. Hoping to see you inducted into the Stawl of Fame… Or is that Hall of Shame?

I think your first caller was wrong. Bush is NOT “intelligent.” He’s CRAFTY. He’s CLEVER. In the same way that a dog slobbering for a bowl of Alpo is “clever.” That doesn’t mean he can be President. If so, I’m voting for Trotsky next time. Hell, he can’t do any worse!

Also, it’s fine to believe in God and have faith. It’s when you start thinking you ARE God, or at least you’re his very-very-favoritest instrument in the world, that you become a screw-ball.

And Bush is the ball-iest of them all-iest.

And Cheryl-in-a-loop was hilarious! Even if it was an accident. Can you do it again sometime?? 🙂

Arron S. thank you, you got my point accross much better than i did. I never meant to say Bush is a good president. But he is dangerous, and more so if you under estimate his ability to win at the political game.

Oh, I’m SURE he has a formidable “machine” behind him. Nobody underestimates that he can win elections. All he needs to do is deny. Night is day, and day is night in his world.

But he’s still one chromosome behind a zucchini. I don’t remember anybody ever thinking he came across as an “uppity intellectual”–“spoiled teenage drunk” was more like it.

When you team up with other women you have the best shows. Cheryl Fridays have become something I look forward to above all else. You show was already my first & must listen, but now I have a routine, I know what to expect on Fridays. Coincidentally, the first disgusting/awesome Cheryl advice show I listened to was in BJs (a warehouse grocery store like Sam’s).

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