
Breaking: Video of Security Forces Murdering Innocent Iraqis

Watch Contract Security employees murder Iraqi citizens.

This movie, acquired by, was created apparently for the security forces’ own entertainment.

The video has sparked concern that private security companies, which are not subject to any form of regulation either in Britain or in Iraq, could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent Iraqis.

also see this Daily Kos piece on the subject

If you have any more links about this, please reply with them.
UPDATE: From Andy, here’s a video of US Army ‘men’ killing dogs when they’re bored.
UPDATE: Video was originally acquired by BAREKNUCKLEPOLITICS.COM

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

45 replies on “Breaking: Video of Security Forces Murdering Innocent Iraqis”

Unbelievable! While this doesn’t surprise me as much as it should, I’m pissed. “Support out Troops”?? What’s going on over there? I know the clip that Madge posted may be privately-hired security and that is not excusable, but these are US troops! Is there any code of conduct? So we’re going to keep our troops there until 2008?? or longer?? How many more civilians and animals will die for no reason but sport?


Or someone will take the fall for it, narrowing it down to one person in the public’s eye when obviously this is at least somewhat wide-spread. (Like firing Brownie for Katrina or prosecuting Lynndie England for Abu Gharib) Accountability is out of style.

Someone will take the blame for it, but, taking the blame doesn’t mean much in this county either, as long as you’ve got money you can get out of “trouble” (that you weren’t ever in)

im sorry but it is war, and that enemy soldier would have done the same or worse to one of the marines givin he chance

Wasn’t it a state official that said the troops policing New Orleans were battled hardened from Iraq, trained to kill looters and that there was an expectation they would.
Shooting dogs and the wounded are acts of cowards. Fidel Castro was right when he called US military boys.
I hate guns and the boys who play with them.

I am so sickened by both these videos, I can’t even think straight. It simply speaks for the mentality of some people who join the military. NO regard for life, human or otherwise…I can’t imagine what makes these sick shits think this is “funny”.

I have for so long believed we need to support our Troops but when I see things like this I want nothing more than to stand up and say they should be punished for these acts of cruelty.

Sometimes I feel so helpless.

Yes it’s a simple but important fact.. once militaries are privatized, among the differences in how they function, is who are they loyal to? Its no longer a nation first, its their company which in the end is no longer of any country. Much like multinational oil companies, it doesnt matter to them if the US or Russia or Europe are financially in trouble or in a depression, so long as they retain their profit, because thats where their loyalty lies.

Ill contact my old media connections in nyc and get this video to them.
BTW these are not only americans.. these are private security companies made up of mercenaries from countries like the US, UK, Ireland, South Africa… each of these countries should have to answer for the actions of their citizens especially considering the contracts were originally awarded by the US administration in iraq.

Thanks Dave for posting this, I have been looking for the last part of that movie “Proof Bush is a war criminal”. Its also shorter and maybe all these people around here who have dial up will watch it. Thanks.

Why is this not on the front page of Google News? Why are we so worried about stock prices or GM layoffs (The Wall Street Journal homepage) WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT CARING? I think that makes me even more sick. No, it does make me more sick.

Because Kimberly Stewart and one of them faggots off Laguna Beach’s one week engagement is MUCH more important than footage of our loveable troops murdering random innocent civilians in a street.

WAKE UP, MEDIA. WAKE THE FUCK UP. Innocents are being shot down in the streets like animals and all you can do is FOCUS ON WHICH SPOILT SUBURBAN RICH WHITE KID IS GETTING KNOCKED UP THIS WEEK? Ugh!

YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE PISSES ME OFF???? I tell my friends about this stuff and all they can say is “That is sad” and then they move the conversation on to something else. STUPID F’ING REPUBLICUNTS!!!!! GFD’it!!!!!

I hear ya, Andy, Madge, same shit here. Even asking someone whether they are not a tad outraged (or at least a bit shocked and apprehensive) about..let’s say: random kidnapping, secret detention/prisons, secret renditions, coverups, outrageous lies..on European soil! Let alone this ‘new’ FUCKING CRAP. Here the killing of a fucking sparrow, yes a sparrow, gets more news coverage, outrage and people talking than the slaughtering of a nation.

I got an email the other day from a “friend” who shall remain nameless *cough* Brian *cough* who asked me to not send him political oriented emails because he did not participate in such matters. Not only will that person never receive any political oriented emails from me, they will also never receive any other emails, instant messages or “I hope you are doing well” messages. WHY? I DELETED THE SOB! I do not email people back and ask them to stop emailing me religious garbage, no, I simply laugh and delete them. This video needs to be played ON EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BILBOARD!!!

Many videos

Many images

*Some of the following images and video are more than uncomfortable and shocking to view. We at Empire Burlesque are showing the painful images in order to unveil the nature of war and it’s real impact on human lives.
The war that the mainstream media will not show.
The war that the governments of the world who support the brutal occupation of Iraq would rather you not see.

George Bush wanted to eliminate journalists
by bombing al Jazeera headquarters in Qatar in an act against the freedom of expression – the root of what constitutes a democracy.

This piece of video needs to be shown on national tv news. It’s a crushingly effective illustration of what is wrong with our administration’s military policy.

it’s not often I do this – and who knows, I might not get more chances – but I will make sure the editors of BBC News (where I work) see this. And btw I’m on vacation too! fuck, am I hardcore? or what! 🙂

yes. is the ansa 😉

Maybe not. But often if mainstream media in other countries starts running something, then at least one outlet here will pick it up. Remember the “Downing Street” memo? It was a British news agency that ran that before any mainstream American ones did. (And even then, it sort of died down, even though we all hooted and hollered over it. How DO we make them listen? Calling and e-mailing don’t seem to work anymore…)

We could hack their network, insert some Madge Weinstein. Wouldn’t that be awesome, all these people who only get their news from the local broadcasters hearing Madge Weinstein give it to them straight. I would sooo totally love that!!!

[…] Trying desperately to stop watching Rocky V which was on the Dutch television this evening, I flipped to CNN (seeking to be entertained rather than informed). Sure enough, I look at the screen and its the very video Daily Kos and Madge Weinstein pointed out almost a week ago; the one with the Aegis military contractors driving around Iraq shooting civilians to a soundtrack. The lame news anchor was trying to convince we the viewers that this was breaking news. […]

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